Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Blogging is for losers...

Alas, I join the blogosphere. I used to think that blogging was silly, and a shallow form of communication. I used to think the same thing about texting. I stand corrected (or maybe I should say "I sit corrected"-honestly, who types standing up?).
"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute my 1st amendment rights, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend this blog."
This is an oath that I have taken as the president of this blog.

As follows is a chronicle of my thoughts, experiences, and humble reflections as I travel the world on a quest to destroy the ring in the fires of Mount Doom. This is my story...


  1. You are a fine writer. Just like your Dad. Only you are funny. Sorry Jeff. Have fun discovering your stars. Be careful - now and then the road does just drop off the planet. But- jumping an abyss can be fun too. Tamara

  2. faithfully execute... or execute faithfully? That is the real question for the president of this blog!

  3. yikes, you have some pretty deep writing here. Poet and didn't know it?? Cindy

  4. Blogging is for losers; but what about those of us that are enjoying your blog...? I am going to live and hopefully transform vicariously through this blog.

    Very fun to hear what you are up to and all the best.

    Tip of the Day: Ryan says Fitzgerald and Holmes will be top picks in the DFL next fall.

    Take care,


  5. I love Lord of the Rings. You win.
