Saturday, January 31, 2009

In the DR

I sit here under the soothing rotations of an ever present ceiling fan, the humid ocean breeze blowing through my shirt and repelling any beads of sweat that try to appear on my back. The sounds of the street, a continuous chorus of honking and diesel engines, are the only things disturbing my peace.
Since my arrival one week ago my life has been filled with the busyness of new experiences. New country, new culture, new language, new people, new food, new…well, you get the idea. I have already been to church enough to justify an ordination, and I have eaten enough to expel all thoughts of weight loss on the “missionary diet”. For those of you reading this that are snowed in and tired of the long, cold, lonely winter days you might not want to read this next sentence. The weather down here is perfect, and the combination of 80 degree heat and 75 percent humidity is wonderful.
I am been staying with the Matos family. Mario and Yolanda are the parents of two beautiful and energetic children-Susana and Maria Magdalena (aka Magda). Oh, and don’t forget Coky (“coke-ey”) the feisty month old Chihuahua. Mario is my contact here in the DR, and I have been following him around to a variety of churches and ministries in his network of transformation.
As is often the case when I travel, my library of books is about as broad and random as it gets. I am reading Plato’s Republic, Personal Finance for Dummies, Che Speaks to Young People, and Cornell West’s An Afro-American Revolutionary Christianity. All these books deeply confuse me and utterly challenge me, two concepts that are more connected than I am willing to admit. By intentionally disorienting myself, I am forced to recalibrate myself in the right direction, and for that I am reading this old book that was written by a lot of prophetic authors back in the day.
People constantly ask me, “What exactly are you doing down there?”
Well, I am not exactly sure. But here is what I know so far. That I am here because God wants me to be here. That I am here to bring transformation. That the transformation I bring is as much in my heart as it is in anyone else’s.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


This was the view BEHIND me at a concert in DC. Last week I was in DC with my best friend Ellis for the inauguration of "that one"-Barack Obama. We went to two inaugral balls, and almost saw the swearing in ceremony (Google "purple ticket fiasco").
It was an amazing week. Here are some highlights...
-Bumping into John Kerry
-Seeing so many Crackberries
-Riding a secret James Bondish subway under the Capitol
-Tons of free museums
-Having a suitcase full of clothes that are intended for the Caribbean, not windy, cold, 10 Degrees DC
-7 hours standing in line starting at 5 a.m., and not getting into the ceremony
-Marc Anthony and JLo at the Western ball
-Jay-Z at the OFA Staff Ball
-The Metro, and finding ways to ride for free
-Eating at expensive places, and having random strangers pick up the tab
-tailored tuxedos and looking more important than I really am
-seeing old friends
-the inauguration of BARACK OBAMA!!!

Blogging is for losers...

Alas, I join the blogosphere. I used to think that blogging was silly, and a shallow form of communication. I used to think the same thing about texting. I stand corrected (or maybe I should say "I sit corrected"-honestly, who types standing up?).
"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute my 1st amendment rights, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend this blog."
This is an oath that I have taken as the president of this blog.

As follows is a chronicle of my thoughts, experiences, and humble reflections as I travel the world on a quest to destroy the ring in the fires of Mount Doom. This is my story...