Wednesday, January 28, 2009


This was the view BEHIND me at a concert in DC. Last week I was in DC with my best friend Ellis for the inauguration of "that one"-Barack Obama. We went to two inaugral balls, and almost saw the swearing in ceremony (Google "purple ticket fiasco").
It was an amazing week. Here are some highlights...
-Bumping into John Kerry
-Seeing so many Crackberries
-Riding a secret James Bondish subway under the Capitol
-Tons of free museums
-Having a suitcase full of clothes that are intended for the Caribbean, not windy, cold, 10 Degrees DC
-7 hours standing in line starting at 5 a.m., and not getting into the ceremony
-Marc Anthony and JLo at the Western ball
-Jay-Z at the OFA Staff Ball
-The Metro, and finding ways to ride for free
-Eating at expensive places, and having random strangers pick up the tab
-tailored tuxedos and looking more important than I really am
-seeing old friends
-the inauguration of BARACK OBAMA!!!

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